No property tax for energy-efficient homes

The Flemish Government offers energy-efficient builders an extra premium. Who is an energy-efficient home builds, can count on from next year a discount of 50 or even 100 percent on real estate taxes.

Since tax year 2009 the Flemish Government rewards energy-efficient builders with a reduction in the property tax. How big the advantage is, depends on the E-level of the dwelling. That is a measure of the energy performance of a home and the fixed installations in standard conditions. But since the introduction of the measure are the energy requirements for new buildings become stricter. While at that time a new home had to meet a standard energy E100, lays the norm since 1 January 2012 on E70. That from 1 January 2014 E60. Therefore ministers decided Van den Borsches and Mutters to the discount on the property tax to let move with the energy standards. For construction applications from 1 January 2013, the advantage larger, but more limited in time. ‘By the higher compensation for more energy efficient building, we help to bridge the often difficult first years and we encourage the runners. By this simple and effective regulation, we switch the Flemish to the Flemish energy policy taxation ', says Minister Philippe Muyters. In the new scheme provides the Flemish Government in five years a discount of 50% on real estate taxes at a level of up to E-E50. That limit is for construction applications from 2014 on maximum E40. Owners of homes with an E-level of maximum five years must not E30 property tax pay.

That current regime remains apply to builders who their application for planning permits until the end of December 2012. A new construction that an E-level of maximum E40, 40% will receive a discount on retrieves the property tax and that A period of ten years. E-level is rewarded with a reduction of up to E60 with 20 percent. That advantage is automatically granted on the tax bill for the property tax.

Even though the premium granted for only 5 years from next year, however, the Flemish Government makes itself strongly that the new system still means profits. "While the current discounts averaging 191 and 382 euro per year for 10 years, is that muster with the new discounts of 50 and 100 percent average 477 and 955 per year, for five years ', it sounds.

Tax Advantage

In addition to a discount on real estate taxes could passive houses until the end of last year still enjoy a tax reduction. For homes that have a certificate that was awarded no later than 31 December 2011, the removal of the tax reduction by the Government-Di Rupo I without consequences. Who enjoy the tax reduction of homes unchanged from 880 euro (2012 income) and that for ten years. The Government also provided in a short transitional period: the formatted certificates between 1 January and 29 February 2012 shall be deemed to be awarded on 31 December 2011.

What if you this year a new, certified passive house of a building promotor buys? You can claim the tax reduction on condition that you buy the property in new State, so under application of the VAT system. The certificate must be issued no later than 31 December 2011. ‘The ten-year period begins to run from the taxable era where the certificate was awarded. When in 2012 a passive house in new State is purchased that was certified in 2011, then the new owner has right to the tax reduction from 2012 and that during the remaining nine years, ' says Florence Angelica, spokeswoman for the federal public service finance.
Do you buy a certified property of a private? Then you may not be able to claim the tax advantage, because it has no home in new condition. If registration fees be paid at the time of sale, the House is no longer ' new State '.

System Operators

Except the Government give the operators a premium for low-energy houses. Those premiums are the same all over Flanders. Yet until the end of 2013 Gets a home of E40 or lower a premium of 1,800 euro, increased by 50 euros per E-level point lower than 40. For homes with a score of more than E40 to E50 is that 1,400 euros, increased by 40 euro per E-level point better than 50. From 1 January 2014, there is only a compensation for homes with a score of maximum E40.

In addition, the network administrators and concessions for certain energy-saving work, some municipalities without necessarily a passive house.

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